
People who exercise regularly are less likely to get ill and more likely to live longer. Exercise not only helps physical fitness, it also improves mental health – as well as improving posture and giving the body are more toned look. 

Exercise and Fitness Classes – are they worthwhile?

Whether it’s aquafit, zumba or tai chi, can taking fitness classes keep you healthier for longer? Just 15 minutes of exercise a day will help us keep fit and healthy – and more is better. However, you need to do the exercise regularly.  

Exercise Myths

Might some exercise myths be discouraging us from exercising – and so damaging our health? Here’s our verdict on five health myths. 

How can we get the exercise we need? 

We all know that regular exercise can improve our health and increase our chances of living longer. But how much exercise do we really need? And what can we do if don’t have the time?